Thursday, April 22, 2010

a family of trees wanting/ to be haunted

In honor of Earth day, I thought that I would share my recent attempt to grow a malanga root. Malanga is an edible sub-tropical plant that is supposed to grow really quickly and be almost impossible to kill.

Given that I am so good at killing plants that I've chosen it as a career, I thought this would be a good choice for me.

Fill a large terra-cotta pot about 1/2 of the way full with your potting mix of choice. I went with organic because I am a dirty hippie. And because it's what they had at my friendly neighborhood Target.

Plant the malanga root just at the soil line.

Cover with potting mix.

Water with your adorable watering can.

And there you have it! Now cross your fingers with me and we'll wait for it to grow.

(ETA: The malanga root never grew. I dutifully watered it every day, but to no avail. I am an amazing pathologist. (Shh, this is my excuse.))

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